Sunday, July 17, 2011

Spotting from ovulation and regulation of cycle?

Basically I noticed a tiny bit of blood. I can't remember ever doing this before. I also feel a little cramp on my left side. I usually have mittleschmerz but the last few times I have noticed it on the right side and it was way worse. This feels like a tiny pinch. Also the mucous is usually a lot thicker. I am pretty much exactly two weeks away from starting my period. Is this normal? Why is my body changing so much? My period has been really regular lately too and coming every 31-32 days. Up till now it has been all over the place, and even like coming every 6-8 weeks! I'm 25. Is this spotting stuff normal and is it possible my body just took longer than most to be regular? Also I started eating healthier and excercising more within the past two weeks. Thoughts please? I'm not really alarmed at all but I just wondered if anyone had any good advice or thoughts.

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