Thursday, July 14, 2011

When should you know what university you are going to..?

Ever since freshman year are councilors at my school told us to start looking at colleges and majors that intrest us. I would search for a few days very heavily almost like it consumed my mind and then I would stop because I got sick of thinking about it. Then searching very extensively just came in a cycle every other week in seemed like. it doesn't help that every time I bring up the future and college my parents get very emotional and they just want me to stay home with them (I'm an only child and have always been really close to them). My parents, relatives, family friends set up a college fund for me when I was little and the fund grew so large that my family can pay for my whole 4 years of college (for in-state and most out-of state). My grades are high enough to get me in to almost any university as well. It's really hard for me to decide also because I have so many interests. I liked every single class I have taken so far in high school and I would be find just picking one interests and just doing that but I can't decide which one to pick. Can you help me with this?

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